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Which ETFs invest in airline stocks?

ETFs that invest in airline stocks, as well as other transportation industry companies, include the iShares U.S. Transportation ETF (IYT) and the SPDR S&P Transportation ETF (XTN).

What are airline ETFs?

Airline ETFs invest mostly in the stocks of airlines or related companies. These may include those involved in passenger services, manufacturing, air freight and logistics, and airport services. Examples include Delta Airlines (DAL), United Airlines (UAL), and American Airlines (AAL).

Should you invest in a airline ETF?

Gettiy Images. For investors optimistic that the airline industry will keep rebounding from its pandemic-era travails, one airline ETF provides a way for broad exposure without tying their investment to a single carrier. Airline stocks have underperformed the broader market over the past year. The best (and only) airline ETF is JETS.

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